有限会社 スタイルワイズマン
大阪市中央区東高麗橋6-2 コンイロノビル2F
Tel 06-6910-2717 Fax 06-6910-2718
Based in Kitahama, Chuo-ku, Osaka, Style Wiseman is a concept studio, which is focused and dedicated to the planing of apparel products and accessories.
We have been involved in the planning, designing,and producing of a wide range of apparel products, specializing in athletics,soccer, golf, surfing and casual wear for many years.
We have extensive business experience with foreign customers ranging from China, Hong kong, Korea, and Taiwan.
As well as being experienced planners in this field,we are also more than eager to meet with confidence,the high level of service expected from our customers ever changing needs.
© 2020 Style Wiseman inc.
2F,6-2,Higashi Kouraibashi,Chuoku
OSAKA 540-0039 JAPAN
TEL +81-6910-2717 FAX +81-6910-2718